What are LWC Core Values?

We are a community yielded to Jesus, shaped by scripture, and dependent on his Spirit to faithfully follow him. Our values remind us of what a community with Jesus at the centre looks like, and of the distinct ways in which Living Waters Church is called to be that community.


We value authenticity because Jesus always draws us into truth. We want to be honest with Jesus and with one another, because the truth in love makes community possible. We know that being authentic means getting messy; we want to build bridges and not walls. We want to be people who do what we say and say what we do so that Jesus is seen through our life together.


We value community because belonging to Jesus means belonging with one another. As a diverse group of people welcomed by Jesus we always want to make room at the table, because Jesus invites everyone. In life together we discover everything Jesus has for us. We love one another as Jesus loves us, relying on the Holy Spirit to unite and sustain us.


We value generosity because Jesus is generous. We want to be generous with one another because Jesus is generous with us. And since the good news of Jesus is for everyone, everywhere, we want to be open-hearted and open-handed, generous with our neighbours locally and globally. We’re compelled by Jesus’ love to serve and share with the capacity the Holy Spirit gives.


We value growing because we want to become more like Jesus. Jesus loves us enough to take us as we are, but too much to leave us as we are. We want to be rooted in Jesus, shaped by scripture, and reliant on the Holy Spirit, expecting to mature in every way as we grow together.


We value recognizing and releasing because Jesus wants everyone involved. We want to encourage and empower each other to be who Jesus uniquely made us, to serve and share with many different people and places. We’re passionate about the good news Jesus brings, believing each of us plays a part in Jesus’ work in our local and global neighbourhoods.