In the morning of August 14th, Haiti experienced a 7.2 magnitude earthquake 150 km south-west of Port au Prince. As of August 21st, Haiti’s Civil Protection reports more than 2,200 deaths and 12,200 injured. Almost 53,000 homes were destroyed, and more than 77,000 are damaged. It's estimated that about 800,000 people have been affected and an estimated 650,000 people are in need of humanitarian assistance.  

The needs for Haiti remain critical even today.

ERDO is raising funds to assist our partners to reach those in need. The current things that have been requested from ERDO are: water, medical supplies and shelter. Our partners live in the communities, have built strong relationships, and are able to reach people with aid. 

Please donate today so that we can reach families in their time of need. On behalf of those you will assist, thank you for your generous donation.


*choose ERDO on the drop-down list when choosing a designation.


Photo Credit: Matias Delacroix/AP