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The angels told the shepherds that Jesus' arrival was "good news of great joy for all people". Why is this such good news? To whom and how far does it reach? This year we'll explore Jesus' birth through Luke's Gospel during Advent and Christmas. 

November 27 - The hope of Jesus and the joy it brings (Luke 1.44-68, Leanne McAlister)

December 4 - The peace of Jesus and the joy it brings (Luke 1.46-56, Rikk Watts)

December 11 - The joy Jesus brings (Luke 2.8-20, Ryan Bedwell)

December 18 - The love of Jesus and the joy it brings (Luke 2.25-40, Luke Knight)

December 24 - Christmas Eve (Doug Smith)



Advent means arrival and is intended to help us look backward as well as forward. We look backward and celebrate Jesus’ arrival as a baby in a manger, and look forward to his return in glory when he’ll make all things new.  

Advent is extra-biblical meaning it was established through Church tradition to help Christians focus on and grow in their faith. Advent themes are: hope, peace, love and joy, and are accompanied each year by the Lectionary's recommended readings. The Lectionary is a collection of readings from the Bible that the global Church uses in worship.  

You can celebrate Advent through the readings by following the links below. Families will also be offered (via our Kids' Mininistry) an Advent guide to take home.

Lectionary (Sunday readings)

Book of Common Prayer (Daily readings)

Advent for families

Luke's 2014 Advent journey (give it a try yourself!)

Advent Conspiracy

Advent on Pinterest